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Phalaenopsis deliciosa

The Delicate Phalaenopsis

Phalaenopsis deliciosa is a miniature epiphytic orchid found growing on tree trunks near rivers and streams from the Indian subcontinent to Malaysia and China.

While Phalaenopsis deliciosa flowers are generally accepted to be odourless, occasionally, people do report that theirs are fragrant. I can't help but wonder if these people could, perhaps, unknowingly have hyperosmia. Some people with this condition (read: superpower!) experience a heightened sense of smell to all odours, some to unpleasant scents, and others solely experience a heightened sense of smell to pleasant aromas. Therefore, this species could very well be fragrant; however, those of us without this particular superpower lack the ability to detect its delicate fragrance.


Common Name: The Delicate Phalaenopsis
Subgenus, Section: Parishinae, Deliciosae
DistributionIndian subcontinent to Malaysia and China
Light: Low-medium
Temperature: Intermediate to warm
Water: Ample in warm weather, sparingly in Winter months
Size: Miniature
Flowering Season: Any time, possibly multiple times per year
Flower size: 1-2cm
Scent: Debatable


  • Phal. deliciosa var. alba
  • Phal. deliciosa var. hookeriana
